May 18, 2024 – 7:30pm
Welcome to my website. My name is Kendra and I was diagnosed
with a cancerous brain tumor in September 2005 when I was only 2 1/2 years old.
The name of the tumor was a medulloblastoma. It is a cancerous tumor in the
cerebellum part of the brain which is on the bottom and back of the head. I had
surgery to remove the tumor but the doctors found out that my spinal fluid contained
microscopic cancer cells. This meant that the tumor would be difficult to beat.
I went to St. Jude Children’s Research Hospital in Memphis, TN for treatments
and they did the best they could. I died on May 3, 2007 in my home, surrounded
by the people that loved me. I had just turned four years old and my baby
sister Laila had just turned one on May 1st. Just because my body is no longer
here, does not mean that my spirit is not still alive and stronger than ever.
My Mommy and Daddy started a non-profit organization to help other kids and
families that are in a similar situation we were in. It is called Kendra’s
Kisses. If you would like to help out, just contact us at